Fast Food Culture Serves Up Super-Size Americans

Fast Food Culture Serves Up Super-Size Americans
Today fast food culture leading to overeating and obesity has become a global problem and has spread across both the emerging economies and the industrialized world. Maybe you heard about the documentary film by Morgan Spurlock, “Super-Size Me”? In it, during 30 days 3 times a day he ate only fast food in McDonald’s. And that had a drastic effect on Spurlock’s physical and psychological health and well-being.

Super-sizing has become so widespread that both developing and developed countries face the worst epidemic ever. It has become the number one health issue that has to be dealt with immediately. If the current super-sized people situation is not tackled, obesity will threaten to reduce life expectancy by 1/3 to ¼ of a year by the end of this century.

Obesity Crisis in America

In the United States, due to the rapid increase in fast food culture, Americans face one of their greatest drops in life expectancy. According to recent research, overeating will reduce the average lifespan of children by 2 to 5 years. In the United States, the average life expectancy of Americans is about 77.6 years.

Since 1980, the number of Americans becoming obese or overweight has increased by as much as 100%, and the worst thing is that today up to 16% of children are obese while 15% are expected to become obese later in life.

Unless concrete actions are taken to slow down obesity problems, life expectancy is expected to drop further. Obesity increases the risk of death from numerous health diseases. Those who are likely to hit most are those who have limited access to health care.

An estimated 365,000 death yearly in American is due to obesity health problems. The only way to reduce those health risks is to reduce weight but eat less fast food and live a healthier and active lifestyle.

While losing weight may not seem like it should be so tricky, it seems nearly impossible for many. The obesity crisis in the United States continues to get worse. According to the article “How to Fix the Obesity Crisis,” if the current obesity trend continues, it will soon surpass smoking as the most significant single factor in early death, health care costs, and reduced quality of life. One-third of people in the United States are overweight, and another one-third of people are obese due to fast food overeating. One of the worst statistics about diets is that as many as two-thirds of dieters end up weighing more than before they started diets.

One of the reasons for the increase in overweight and obesity may be that too many people are looking for a quick fix to their weight problems. They go on and off fad diets. Another reason is probably the environmental circumstances that encourage overeating, such as large portion sizes and the availability of inexpensive, low-quality food.

Super-Size Effects On Population

Obesity can be seen at both physical and psychological levels, so it is a complex disease to cope with. According to the CDC, one in five children or adolescents is overweight or obese, and the numbers are still increasing. Super-sized people are an acute concern of today’s society, and different measures have been taken to prevent this disease. Whether these measures have been effective or not is still a question to debate.

The long-term effects of obesity are visible, especially in what concerns health. Regardless of the emotional effects of obesity, which significantly impact peoples’ psychological estate, most have higher risks of developing high cholesterol levels, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and sleep apnea.

The heavier you are, the more chance of developing a heart condition. Although being overweight or obese is a risk factor for heart diseases in adults is not very clear if it also counts for children.

fast food culture

Still, what is more, worrying about fast food culture is that most of us who are obese now tend to remain obese for the rest of our lives. The most common diseases associated with obesity are fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes.

As a short-term effect of obesity, we can mention low self-esteem, loneliness, and isolation. The degree to which the emotional effects of obesity are visible depends on the environment.

Although it can significantly impact your life in childhood and adulthood, obesity can be taken care of and kept under control. Its effects can be avoided, especially in the long term, if the disease is treated as soon as possible and you are following healthy diets and physically active.

Childhood Obesity

The childhood obesity epidemic in America is now confirmed since overweight or obese children have more than tripled during the last 30 years. In the previous 20 years, the prevalence of obesity in children aged 6 to 11 years has almost tripled from 6.5% to 19.6%. On the other hand, the prevalence of obesity in teenagers more than tripled from 5% in 1980 to 18.1% in 2008. When looking at the statistics, the epidemic of childhood obesity is even worrying. But is obesity an American epidemic? Although childhood obesity is a grave matter, America is not the only country where this disease tends to become epidemic. Countries all over the world encounter the same problem.

Most of the children who are obese are also facing the physical and psychological effects of it. Still, even so, it seems that these effects have no power in preventing the epidemic of childhood obesity. The fact is that more and more children are or become overweight or obese due to various reasons. The top two causes of obesity in children are unhealthy fast food consumption and physical inactivity. A sedentary life along with a fat-rich diet will also result in obesity.

The problem is now what we can do to prevent the childhood obesity epidemic. What is worrying about obesity in children is that 70% of them, who are obese, will remain like that during adulthood.

All in all, these children are at significant risk of developing severe medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, fatty life, high cholesterol levels, or high blood pressure. Because most obese children tend to remain obese during adulthood, it is most likely that they will also develop certain health-related conditions such as coronary artery disease.

Fast Food

More and more children are becoming overweight, and obesity may have a psychological effect on them, making them believe that there is nothing wrong with being obese. Contrary to common beliefs, children do not see themselves as unhealthy, especially from families with other obese members.

The question “is obesity an American epidemic?” loses its relevance since it is agreed that the childhood fast food culture epidemic is something that America has to face, sooner the better. Fighting against this epidemic is, however, not easy. In this matter, the parents have a crucial role. A parent should supervise his children’s diet and should stimulate him or her to be active physically. Also, the Government has tried banning unhealthy foods from schools’ cafeterias as a measure to prevent childhood obesity. But losing weight is not easy, so the first who should work on it are the children themselves. They must be willing to live healthier and longer life.

To conclude, the childhood obesity epidemic in America has become a real threat for American children, and the first who can stop it are the parents.

You can take care of the physical effects of obesity in children by ensuring that your child has an adequate diet. But on the other hand, children may have to cope with the psychological effects of childhood obesity. They still have to go to school and in other public places where there is usually social discrimination. According to a study, the severely obese children recorded a very low life quality score, as low as children undergoing chemotherapy to cure cancer. The mental and emotional effects of childhood obesity tend to be medium to long term, and they have a significant impact on children’s social well-being.

You Can Help Yourself

Obesity happens when you have excessive fats in your body. And being obese takes a toll on your joints and bones and could lead to arthritis since you have to sustain more weight than before. Excess weight also leads to apnea, which affects your sleeping pattern.

Apnea is the cessation of breathing during sleep. Obese people tend to be less active and will result in more weight gains quickly.

Continuous consumption of high cholesterol due to poor eating habits and lack of activity will impair the proper functioning of your blood vessels and heart. It could result in stroke, high blood pressure, and other heart conditions in the long term.

Unless a person who is obese or overweight knows the seriousness of being overweight and has the determination to overcome it, things could only worsen. The good news is people can cure obesity with self-discipline, patient, and effort. Consult your doctor first before you attempt any weight loss plan.

If you are overweight, you deserve to live longer, and you have to take action to achieve it. Anything is possible! Combining diet pills and a healthy diet and exercise is vital to speed up your weight loss.

How to find out if you are obese or overweight? In 1840 Belgian scientist Adolphe Quetelet developed a body mass index (BMI), and its primary purpose was to find out the amount of fat stored in your body. The higher your BMI is, the likelihood of developing diseases increases. The BMI is a measure of a person’s weight scale according to his/her height.

If your body mass index (BMI) is above 30 or more, you are obese. Experts warned that fat stored around your waist would increase the risk of getting diseases as well. For the woman, a size of 35 or more, and for the men, 40 or more could mean more health problems in the future.

Avoid skipping your breakfast as your metabolism rate will get affected. Before you attempt any weight loss, you are advised to seek your medical practitioner for advice first. Planning your weight loss program and including your diet, exercise program, and following it is essential.

The number of people lifting weight has increased by 76% in the past decade, according to data released by the Fitness Products Council and Sporting Goods Manufacturers. If cardiovascular activity is combined with weight training, it will result in more fat loss and thus your desirable weight.

Remember to be proactive and take part in as many physical activities as you like. If you have been overeating chips, soda, and burgers without sufficient fruits and vegetables, it is time for a change. You should gradually add more fruits and vegetables to your meal as this will assist you in losing weight.

Avoid foods like oils, salad dressings, cream, sugars, butter, margarine, soft drinks, etc. If you feel like craving food, you should divert your attention by participating in activities like walking, taking a shower, playing games, etc.

Your nutrition should contein more foods that have lots of fiber on it. It will make you feel full and slow down your rate of digestion. Try to avoid refined grains such as white rice and those white bread and sugary breakfast cereals made from it, as all these have their fiber and nutrients removed. They will turn into blood sugar (glucose) so quickly that they can cause a spike in your insulin level. Diet pills consist of herbs proven scientifically to lose weight and have been used for centuries to help thousands of people get their bodies in shape.

Experts suggest that those who intend to lose weight quickly should follow a strict healthy diet, exercise, and, if possible, diet pills to achieve the desired body shape they want.

Effective weight loss is not easy. To start losing weight and keep it off permanently, people need to make long-term behavioral changes and actively find ways to purchase healthy, fresh foods. Changing these behaviors is not easy, but it is possible. Getting weight loss support is one of the best ways to begin.


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